Monday 25 January 2010

Kind Of The Final Idea ! (:

After doing the plot first, it was easier for us.
We are starting off by the camera being at a door that says 'No Entry' and going down a corridor, ending up in a clear room with an actor sitting in the corner very distressed and rocking back and fourth. The 'a ring a ring of roses' song will be playing in the background, getting louder and louder as the camera goes down the corridor and gets closer to the room. The camera will the go up to the actor, she will sit up in shock with her eyes open wide then the camera will zoom into her eye where there will then be a flashback. The flashback will be her and 3 friends when they were younger playing 'a ring a ring of roses'. An accident will then occur but at the moment we are not sure about what the accident will be. The camera will then zoom out of the eye and 2 of the 3 friends will be at the dead friends funeral where there is a ring of roses on her coffin. It will end with the camera again zooming out of the girls eye and finishing with the girl in the corner again and the camera going backward out of the room and back to the door with 'No Entry' on it (as if the camera is rewinding). We are still thinking about what relevance 'a ring a ring of roses' has to the 3 girls.

Tuesday 19 January 2010

Our Ideas

The group members are: Danielle Bascombe (Me), Casey Barnard and Megan Billany.

When expressing our ideas, we came up with many names. A few we came up with were:

- Four walls

- The asylum

- Patience

- The well

Each name has a different story/idea and the names relate to each story.
We came up with these names before we came up with the plot. we quickly realised that this wasn't a good idea and that maybe we should think of a plot then decide on a name after.

Tuesday 5 January 2010

- Always a 'bad guy' and a 'good guy'

- Shock moments (Noises, people jumping out at the screen...)

- Violence (Element of danger)

- Protagonistic is put into situations where they are in danger

- Suspence is created (Audience left waiting)

- Setting normally modern (not always)

- American thrillers (Can be a girl in danger)