Monday, 14 December 2009

Analysis of Film Openings

- Boy and Girl
- Car
- Night Time
- Secluded Area
- Mysterious Vehicle

The audience know this is a thriller because it keeps you in suspense and also uses a 'red herring'. A red herring is the name given to a device which intends to divert the audience from the truth or an item of significance. The red herring used in the opening of this film is the fireworks and the gunshot.

This opening scene makes the audience want to keep watching because it is not known who is in the mysterious car and why. Also the audience don't know what is going to happen at first.

The first murder scene of Zodiac

'The Conversation'
- Women and Man
- Busy Town
- Man Being Watched and Listened To

The audience know this is a Thriller because it uses a red herring. This red herring is the Mime artist and the man.

The opening of this film makes the audience wants to keep watching because we want to know why the couple are being listened to and watched. Also we want to know what the couple are saying and why what they are saying is so important.

The Conversation Trailer

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